Family violence can happen to anyone. Workers at Together V Can have heard stories like yours before, we will not judge you, and we know it is not your fault. We are here to help you find the support you need.
Family violence happens when one person hurts another or makes them feel unsafe, and this behaviour is repeated. It can happen in any kind of relationship including with:
- Boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, husbands or wives
- Ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, ex-partners, ex-husbands or ex-wives
- Carers or paid support workers
- Parents, guardians or other family members
- Adult children
- Other people you live with or see often, whether inside or outside the home
None of these people has the right to hurt you or make you live in fear.
Abuse doesn’t have to involve physical violence or causing hurt to your body, to be family violence. It is never ok for someone to:
- Make you feel uncomfortable or afraid
- Often put you down, abuse you or make you feel bad about yourself
- Constantly call or text to find out what you’re doing
- Make you feel scared of saying ‘no’ to them
- Get possessive and jealous if you talk to others
- Stop you having any money
- Try to control who you see and where you go
- Constantly check what you do on your phone or online
- Threaten to hurt you, your children, pets or others
- Threaten that you will never see you children again if you leave
- Make you do sexual things you don’t want to
- Threaten that they will make you lose your visa
- Stop you from talking to friends or family
- Say they will hurt themselves if you try to leave
- Refuse to provide essential care and support for you if they are your parent, guardian, carer, or paid support person
- Make looking after a baby hard by not letting you feed or settle your baby
- Stop you from making decisions about whether or not to have a baby, or other reproductive issues
- Stop you from having medicine you need or from seeing a doctor
- Give you medicine you don’t need or more medicine than you need
- Share private photos or videos of you online without your permission
- Stop you from following your religion or cultural practices
- Damage walls, parts of your home, or your things
- As well as hit, kick, and do other things that hurt your body
These are only some things that can be family violence. There are many others. If anyone is making you feel scared, worried or unsafe, it is OK to ask for help.
If you experience any of these things, you can Contact Together V Can to see what help is available for you.
Once you Contact Together V Can our workers will listen to your story and help you to access the support you need depending on your unique situation. We know that everyone is different and so are your needs, we will listen to what you want and help you to obtain that.